to an unknown audience
Like me, you may have thought that the Irish language had no writing system before the Roman alphabet was adopted through contact with the English (& their treacheries &c.), that dodgy Gaelic spelling was, as per the one story, designed precisely to confuse English people.
But no! There was Ogham. Looks like it has some hella busy glyphs. I don't blame them for dropping it. Still I like the regularity of the forms.
Feast your eyes also on the marvelous concept of a 'kenning," which is something like a (Homeric) epithet, or a convential poetic way of referring to something—but specifically for Old Norse. Wikipedia gives the rather awesome example of "wound-hoe" for "sword." It relates to our word "ken," to know.
P.S. If there's not a law firm called "Ogham and Kennings" there oughtta be.
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