to an unknown audience
Dean/  /May 15, 2003

Howard Dean last night sharply criticized Bush's use of the word "quota" in reference to UMich's affirmative action debate. This was the piece de resistance of a speech that also touched on such (lesser?) issues as recent American foreign policy. He trumped it with a story about his gubernatorial chief of staff hiring strictly women like herself: "It's not just 54-year-old white males. We all have a natural tendency to hire and surround ourselves with people like us. That's why we need a policy like affirmative action." Smart guy. He's got the Anglo name, and the jaw; this guy could conceivably be president.

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Houston always was Clemens' most logical choice. He can stay home and follow his own program, remain in the same organization as his son, Class A third baseman Koby Clemens http://mike-18.blogspot.com/

—posted by mike 18 at June 1, 2006 8:39 PM
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