Their troping over the end-loaded epiphany of their usual fare is appreciated by this author.And the snow fell to the same as usualtransfigurational effect, making the world seemnot the world, very briefly, and then what italways is again: just the world—changed,changeable.
Houston always was Clemens' most logical choice. He can stay home and follow his own program, remain in the same organization as his son, Class A third baseman Koby Clemens http://mike-18.blogspot.com/
The Astros have been in even worse shape, using three starters with less than two years of major-league experience. Signing Clemens to go with right-hander Roy Oswalt and left-hander Andy Pettitte again gives them a legitimate Big Three once again. If Clemens, after several minor-league tuneups, proves anywhere near as good as he was last season, he will give the team precisely the lift it needs.
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